by Lin Zihao Abstract In this essay, the author wants to explore how discussions of ethnic minority are embedded in a wider public discursive field in Chinese domestic digital sphere in contrast to the global cyberspace. Before carving out the netizen m ...
China and Africa Resources Part 2: Books
by Julia Tatrai Top Picks are marked with * Africans in China Bodomo, Adams (ed.) (2016) Africans in China: Guangdong and Beyond, New York: Diasporic Africa Press Lan, Shanshan (2017) Mapping the New African Diaspora in China: Race and the C ...
The New Silk Road and Eurasian ambitions of China (CfE on ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ contribution)
by Alexey Alexandrovich Semenov Abstract Strengthening of China led to more proactive and assertive Chinese foreign policy aimed at increasing the global role of the country. The new Chinese diplomacy is focused on the active influence and inclusion of ...
How the EU should engage with OBOR Centrality
by Aya Adachi While EU is faced with disintegration, China’s role in regional integration has gained momentum. As an overarching projection that could potentially incorporate and coordinate other inter-regional regional as well as sub-regional initiative ...
Regional Peace in South Asia is the basic necessity for the success of China’s BRI initiative (CfE on “Belt and Road Initiative” contribution)
by Souvik Lal Chakraborty Disclaimer: This analysis was written a few weeks ago and does not include the most recent developments in South Asia's and especially India's relationship to China. ...
Wie man das Stundenplan-Erstellen überlebt (für Erstis und vielleicht auch alle anderen Studis)
von Julia Tatrai Jeder Ersti kennt das Problem – nachdem man es irgendwie geschafft hat nicht nur einen Studienplatz zu ergattern sondern auch sich tatsächlich trotz unterschiedlicher bürokratischer Widrigkeiten einzuschreiben, stehen die Erstsemesterwoc ...
China and Africa Resources Part 1: Blogs & Features
by Julia Tatrai As a follow up to our interview with Firoze Manji a while back, we are happy to publish the first part of our China in Africa resources series featuring relevant blogs and features discussing different aspects of China in Africa. ...
Territorial Dispute over Senkaku/Diaoyu Island between Japan and China and its Representation of Difficulties of Applicability of International Law
Territorial Dispute over Senkaku/Diaoyu Island between Japan and China and its Representation of Difficulties of Applicability of International Law Written by Ritika Singh Abstract International law is a rather young phenomenon – especially if we thin ...
Mapping China Teamblog #4
Unglaublich aber wahr – Mapping China ist schon ein Jahr alt! Wir bedanken uns bei allen Autoren, Mitarbeitern, Partner und natürlich Lesern und ganz besonders bei all den Leuten aus unserem Umkreis, die nicht nur beständig aufgefordert wurden zu schreiben, lesen oder zu korrigieren sondern die sich auch unsere diversen Fragen angehört haben und uns tatkräftig zur Seite standen!
...CfP „Regional Integration and Disintegration“ contribution: China’s Approach to Multilateralism – The Case of the AIIB
China’s Approach to Multilateralism – The Case of the AIIB Written by Elisabeth Waldmann Abstract China's current ‘One Belt One Road’ initiative and the related establishment of a new multilateral development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment ...