China and Africa Resources Part 2: Books

by Julia Tatrai Top Picks are marked with *   Africans in China Bodomo, Adams (ed.) (2016) Africans in China: Guangdong and Beyond, New York: Diasporic Africa Press Lan, Shanshan (2017) Mapping the New African Diaspora in China: Race and the C ...

How the EU should engage with OBOR Centrality

by Aya Adachi While EU is faced with disintegration, China’s role in regional integration has gained momentum. As an overarching projection that could potentially incorporate and coordinate other inter-regional regional as well as sub-regional initiative ...

China and Africa Resources Part 1: Blogs & Features

by Julia Tatrai   As a follow up to our interview with Firoze Manji a while back, we are happy to publish the first part of our China in Africa resources series featuring relevant blogs and features discussing different aspects of China in Africa. ...

Teamblog Meeting 4

Mapping China Teamblog #4

Unglaublich aber wahr – Mapping China ist schon ein Jahr alt! Wir bedanken uns bei allen Autoren, Mitarbeitern, Partner und natürlich Lesern und ganz besonders bei all den Leuten aus unserem Umkreis, die nicht nur beständig aufgefordert wurden zu schreiben, lesen oder zu korrigieren sondern die sich auch unsere diversen Fragen angehört haben und uns tatkräftig zur Seite standen!
