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Mapping China Team Blog #6

A lot has happened since we last updated you guys! We met in Berlin again in April, discussed new projects, celebrated a birthday, had strategic meetings with mastermind Whiskey (see the pictures) and might or might not have had too much Chinese food again. Have a read on what we have been up to in the last few months below.

Becoming a Verein                                                                                                   

We handed in all the documents still missing by the beginning of this year and are proud to be able to finally offer you to become a Mapping China member! You can now also donate and receive a Spendenbescheinigung/donation receipt if you like what we do.

As a member, you can officially attend all of our members’ meetings. More importantly: You’ll receive a little something from us as a welcome gift and you will receive a monthly members’ exclusive newsletter. The yearly fee for students is 12 Euros, 24 for all non-students or those that prefer to give a little more.

Teamblog Meeting 5

Mapping China Teamblog #5

In the middle of September, we met for a week in Berlin to discuss Mapping China’s end of year projects, plan ahead, eat a lot of Chinese food and drink some bubble tea.

Teamblog Meeting 4

Mapping China Teamblog #4

Unglaublich aber wahr – Mapping China ist schon ein Jahr alt! Wir bedanken uns bei allen Autoren, Mitarbeitern, Partner und natürlich Lesern und ganz besonders bei all den Leuten aus unserem Umkreis, die nicht nur beständig aufgefordert wurden zu schreiben, lesen oder zu korrigieren sondern die sich auch unsere diversen Fragen angehört haben und uns tatkräftig zur Seite standen!

Teamblog Meeting 3

Mapping China Teamblog #3

Hallo an alle und 新年快乐!

Pünktlich zum Start des Jahrs des Hahns melden wir uns mit einem Rückblick auf die letzten Monate und aktuellen Neuigkeiten.
